Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ludicrous Liberals

I absolutely cannot believe this man. He's now quoting Ronald Reagan in an effort to raise all our taxes, tell us that millionaires don't pay taxes, and convince people that Reagan was actual a socialist instead of one of the most conservative presidents we've had. Not only this, but he also said taxes are lower today than in Reagan's day. Maybe tax REVENUES, because people are already paying too high of taxes to bail out other companies and hence aren't spending, so the government's not getting as much.

For some reason, he believes his grand government can spend our money better than we can, more productively than we can, and to better effect than we can. For an even crazier reason, people applaud when he says it, people who get their complete political view from the Washington Post and the Times. Thank you so much, Mr. Obama, yes, I can know see your socialist dream, and it's beautiful. If only there wasn't that stupid nagging fact that IT'S BEEN TRIED BEFORE AND IT DIDN'T WORK THEN EITHER AND IT'S NOT WORKING NOW!

Read this great article from to see just how different these two guys are, Obama's buddy-buddy talk notwithstanding.

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